Advice on how to choose the best rehab in Bali

If you have been struggling with any mental health, or problematic substance abuse issues recently, you are not alone. Firstly, well done for deciding to get help. That is the first important step.
If you are trying to find the best rehab in Bali for your circumstances, I hope this information can help you choose from the various options online.
I live here in Bali and have been to several rehab and retreat centres, both here and overseas. I have a much better life now, recovering from problematic substance use and behaviour issues. I am a member of one of the support groups here for my own continued recovery, and to help others with similar problems. Through my journey, I have researched most of the centres on offer, and met many clients during and after treatment. I just want to share some basic facts, and personal opinions, based on my experience. I am interested in the latest methods to help people suffering from both substance use and mental health or behavioural issues.
General Information
There are a few primary considerations to choose the best rehabilitation centre in Bali for your situation. Depending on your personal circumstances and budget, the level of service and facilities, and preference for the type of treatments, and methodology used, as well as the location, and environment in the center.
After this, it really comes down to a few main fundamentals – standards and ethics, an experienced professional team and support staff, and basically the motivation, honesty, and integrity of the centre.
Nearly all the centers in Bali are operated and staffed by recovering AA or NA members who, unfortunately, are just trying to make money.
Groups or private
I have been to both larger group, lockdown-type facilities, and more private one-to-one luxury centres. Small group interaction with others recovering from similar problems has been proven one of the best tools for recovery. The benefits of talking to people about common problems is very therapeutic. One-on-one programmes, with primarily a support worker 24/7, l found isolating. Most centers often rely, even insist, on taking you to 12-step fellowship meetings, sometimes on a daily basis. Community meetings are free, and convenient, but don’t suit all people, especially if not introduced properly or forced to go by some centres, as an easy option. 12-step programmes, relying on spiritual principles for recovery, is simply not for everyone.
Generally, isolation is not healthy as privacy can amount to shame, secretly hiding the issues, and is not conducive to long-term recovery. The bubble often bursts when you have to return home and back to normal daily life.
Some places mix all sorts of issues, serious mental health, all sorts of substance abuse, and chronically detoxing clients, which is often carried out by a local nurse, or even the owners or a support worker. Most centers claim to be able to treat anyone, and all issues, if you pay. I have experienced, seen, and heard of some very risky, unprofessional practices carried out by many centres, that certainly only medical professionals, in many cases, should really handle.
Larger mixed groups, especially in lockdown, with one standard programme fits all, can sometimes create conflict. Depending on your situation and circumstances, you should definitely consider what’s best for you, and research and understand how the centre operates.
For many families and individuals, budget is, of course, a significant consideration. Rehab can be very expensive. It’s turned into a large commercial industry these days, so, unfortunately, greed and money corrupt so many people and businesses. There is a lot of smoke, mirrors, and even plain deception on many centres websites. Owners will often do anything to get clients. Claims to be able to treat anyone for a wide range of problems, including slick sales pitches, pretending to really care, and services that just don’t eventuate, or are of poor standard.
Affordability and Integrity
Another common deception online is the professional staff and support workers shown. Many places have pictures and bios of professional staff who are not even there. Often they tend to use cheaper options like, apparent local experts, recently recovered clients, working illegally, or local support staff, on minimal wages.
Some charge unreasonable, actually ridiculous fees, for apparently luxury, private, tailor-made programmes. Some even claim to be charitable, soliciting money from anyone including vulnerable clients. It’s pretty outrageous really. It’s also challenging to determine the basic honesty and integrity of different places, with deceptive websites and untrue testimonials. If the slick sales pitches or information online sounds a bit suspicious, it probably is. So, do as much research, and be sure to ask lots of questions, as this is a significant investment in your or your loved one’s life.
Standards, ethics and professionalism
Most centres offer similar types of treatment methods, both clinical and holistic, but it’s the quality and professionalism that sets them apart. Again, inquire which clinical and holistic therapists will actually be there and treat you, and how many sessions will you get per week. Are they really professional therapists, inexperienced, cheaper local options, and AA members, claiming to be councilors. Some of these owners and apparent councilors have done 3/4 week courses online.
Some places are more holistic or clinical, with others just talking up their clinical approach, or new different methods, but relying primarily on 12-step fellowship principles and meetings. More choice and flexibility are ideal.
Location and Aftercare
The location and surroundings can be important for enhancing your recovery. Don’t be fooled by deceptive pictures online, of beautiful beaches and iconic mountain scenes, or hotel and villa properties, they may not even use.
Aftercare is critical, so make sure they really do care, develop individual programmes, and will provide ongoing service support, without adding large amounts of extras to the final account.
The facilities and centre itself, plus the basics like food and activities on offer, are also essential basics to ask about before you book.
Online Deception
When you search online for rehab in Bali there are around 12 or 13 centres. 3 or 4 are actually transient, illegal operators using villas casually. There are also 3 or 4 agent listings, best of lists. These are paid ads or commission based. There’s also one that is apparently a non-profit directory service listing all the government and private facilities, but actually promoting its own private service, on top of the list, supposedly a holistic recovery service that in fact is run by the founder of the directory. It’s more of a support, or companion service, putting together packages to facilitate programmes, and being a companion/counselor for a substantial fee.
There are several recovering people acting as companions/facilitators or running rehabs and sober houses, again charging considerable fees, basically for villa accommodation and free community meetings.
Three of the best rehabs in Bali
There are only 3 centers I would consider recommending to friends or anyone seeking a high-quality rehabilitation service here. These centres have standards and ethics and are run by people of integrity, not just commercially motivated. They are all a bit different in their approach, service, and facilities, but they do provide honest good service, genuinely care about client safety and wellbeing, and offer an affordable, realistic price.
- Calm
- Kembali
- Kolonial House
At Kolonial House Rehab and Retreat Centre, they specialize in mental health rehabilitation, and wellness retreats. They do not claim to be able to treat anyone. They carefully screen inquiries and choose not to take acutely ill mental health conditions or chronic substance abuse clients. They don’t take detoxing clients. They believe these people should be treated by medical professionals.
They are operated by western professionals, including several of the best psychotherapists in Bali, and experienced support staff. They only take a maximum of 4 clients in-house at one time, to ensure personalized attention. The main center is their own beautiful boutique hotel, 5 mins walk from the beachfront wellness facilities, in the peaceful village of Sanur.
High standards and ethics, honesty, and integrity, are paramount to their operation. They are a semi-non-profit, foundation-based company, established in 2010. The price is all-inclusive, and very reasonable, for the high level of luxury service.
Check out their website at for full details and info.
If you’ve been reading this article, please do reach out to someone for advice and help. There’s no shame in asking for help; you will most likely not be able to do it on your own. If you are honest about your problem and seek some help, then making a decision to transform your life is possible. Going to rehab or a health retreat can be a great way to start. I hope this information may help you if you are looking for the best rehab in Bali, or considering a centre anywhere.
All the best for your healing journey!